Vendor Showcase
JW Marriott 3rd Floor
Session Tracks
Session One
Interactive Culinary Experience
Wake Up With Val with Continental Breakfast
Creating Your Path to Success: A Conversation with Sheba Turk and Monica Pierre
#YouToo: Personal & Professional Challenges in Today's World
Let Me Hear Your Body Talk: Caring for the Mind, Body & Spirit
Designing Your Success: The Business of Fashion
Empowering Tricentennial Keynote Luncheon
Step Up Pre-Party
Step Up Second-Line Parade
After-Glow Party
Timeless Treasures Breakfast & Tour
Lunch On Your Own
Vieux Carre Tour by Two Chicks Walking Tours
Steamboat Natchez Cruise
Dinner With Poppy Tooker
Gospel Brunch at House of Blues
A la Carte
Schedule At A Glance
Unleash your passion, live your purpose and discover your power!​
JW Marriott 3rd Floor
Complimentary Coffee & Breakfast Snacks - provided by Infinite Health
New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network Presents:
Negotiations - Maximizing the Outcome
Know your worth and create your own value. That’s what these dynamic women hope you take away from the discussion. Women in the workplace and in their personal lives often don’t negotiate for what they deserve. Our panelists will focus on why this is a widespread theme among women and how women can shift their views of themselves so that others follow suit.
Conversation with
Councilwoman LaToya Cantrell, New Orleans City Council
Lillian Derouen, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana
Kim Boyle, Phelps Dunbar, LLC
Moderated by Marguerite Oestreicher, Chief Advancement Officer, New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity

The Bad Ass Class - Getting Your BAD On To Get Your BEST On!
Jennifer Raybaud​, The Serendipitous Soul
Potentially turning the widely-held idea of a "bad ass" on its head. I designed this class after going through a very tumultuous time in life. A time that ultimately left me with the understanding that only when I got REAL with myself, would I ever have the chance to get RIGHT with myself. I offer you the opportunity to hear the concepts and see if bravely plugging them into your own life might be one of the badassiest decisions you'll ever make.

New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation Presents: The Restaurateur, The Baker, The Coffee Maker...
Contemporary Culinary Entrepreneurs
Join these dynamic women for a lively discussion that focuses on ownership in today’s food and drink industry. Learn what works and what it takes to stand out and succeed in a crowd.
Kristen Essig, Chef/Co-Owner Coquette
Megan Forman, Chef/Owner Gracious Bakery
Lauren Fink, Owner Cherry Espresso Bar
Moderated by Lorin Gaudin, @nolafoodgoddess
Coffee & Conversations
Coffee & Networking Station presented by Infinite Health
Session Two
Women's Business Enterprise Council South Presents:
Shift Your Shopping -
Supporting Women-Owned Businesses
Could you limit yourself to ONLY buy products & services from women-owned businesses for an entire year? That’s what Intentional Kate did throughout 2016. She will share her learnings, as well as tips to #shiftyourshopping to incorporate more products & services from women-owned businesses into your day-to-day life.

Ochsner Eat Fit FestiGals Panel
Sponsored by Ochsner Baptist
One of the most difficult things to do when you’re a working woman - whether you work inside or outside of the home - is to keep things in balance. It’s much easier to grab something on the go than to think about and plan healthy meals throughout a busy day, much less making time for the gym or relaxation. Women are generally juggling several priorities and often end up putting their own wellness at the bottom of the list. This is also complicated by changes in our body as we age and face peri-menopause and menopause and sometimes diminished sex drive. Our panelists are going to help us understand how to use nutrition and exercise to combat these effects and share ways to bring back the balance we need to be well and to be the strong, successful women that we are.
Amy Davis, Swegs Kitchen
April Dupre, Footprints to Fitness
Dr. Elizabeth Lapeyre, Board Certified OB/GYN
Moderator: Dawn Anuszkiewicz, Chief Executive Officer, Ochsner Baptist
The Growing Louisiana Beer Culture and the Women Tapping into the Market
In the past five years, the number of Louisiana breweries has quadrupled, from 8 to 35 (and counting). The women involved in the beer world here have had a huge part in shaping the growth that's occurred, not only by excellence in what they do, but in also creating a beer scene that's female-friendly by leaving old gender stereotypes in the dust. Just ladies who love beer, and want to share that with everyone.
Join this panel of women to discuss the challenges and victories working in this male-dominated profession, and to hear about the exciting path that the local beer scene is on.
Polly Watts, Owner Avenue Pub
Angela Grittman, Wayward Owl Brewery
Jamie Erickson, Chafunkta Brewing
Moderated by Nora McGunnigle, Beer & Food Writer

Keynote Luncheon
Co-Owner of the Colorado Rockies & President/CEO of Alvarado Construction
Presented by:
Artisan Breads
Tomato Bisque Soup with Parmesan Croutons
Roasted Shrimp Salad with Mirliton Salad, Heirloom Tomatoes and Potatoes
Strawberry Shortcake
Hitting A Home Run in Business & Baseball with
Session Three

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Presents: Next Generation of Leaders
Leadership isn’t about age! In today’s world, new leaders are evolving as quickly as technology and keeping up with change while respecting traditions and maintaining work-life balance is vital. Learn how to be a great leader and discover the importance of being your own boss from women who have earned their seat at the table and are fostering opportunities to enable the success of future generations of women leaders.
Kate Gremillion, CEO Mavenly & Co.
Crystal McDonald, CEO Acrew
Caitlin Cain, CEO World Trade Center
Moderated by Camille Whitworth, Media Professional, Owner: Media By Design, Victory Nola & New Orleans Drink Lab

Entergy Presents: Communicating
Smarter, Better, Faster

We spend all of our lives talking, but how well are we really communicating? Get schooled by Dr. Johnston on owning your communication style and connecting with yourself, others and your organization more efficiently than ever.
Michelle Johnston, Ph.D.
Professor of Management at
Loyola University New Orleans
New Orleans Ladies of Burlesque
Rarely in burlesque’s long history in New Orleans has there been a chance to gain a richer understanding of burlesque straight from its own leaders and historians. Join this panel and you’ll learn about burlesque’s renaissance in New Orleans, along with current affairs such as the recent cultural shift of burlesque from exclusive to inclusive and the difference between burlesque and neo-burlesque.
Trixie Minx, New Orleans' Own Burlesque Beauty & Comedic Cutie
May Hemmer, The Cocoa Barbie
Nina Bozak, former Shim Shamettes Performer
Moderated by Sally Asher, Author

Afternoon Refreshments
Featuring Luzianne Tea and Snacks, courtesy of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Click HERE for 2017 List of FestiTalkers!
Sip & Shop Networking Reception

Our 2017 FestiGals enjoyed an opportunity to network, showcase our select vendors, win prizes and of course- cocktails! Professional head shots were taken by Jeff Strout from 3-5pm!