What the FG to wear to FestiGals?!
FestiGals is jam packed with events--and you'll need a killer outfit for all of them. So what should you pick out? Depends on the event!...
The Art of Helping Others: 8 Pieces of Artwork That Will Change Lives
In addition to auctioning our top 3 Bodacious Bra Challenge bras live at the Bodacious Bras for a Cause Brunch June 24th, Chuck Mutz, the...
Treat Yourself at FestiGals (You've Earned It!)
FestiGals is a weekend getaway all about you, so treat yourself to food, alcohol, and new and unique products from our vendor showcase,...
Self-help magazines, books and gurus often talk about “living consciously,” “living purposefully,” “living intentionally”…..and as I...
We're Glued to FestiTalker Courtney Elmer, Find Out Why!
Courtney is a Success Coach & Transformational Speaker known for her ability to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders pinpoint...
3 Ways to Take a Break From Life Before Life Breaks You By FestiTalker, Dr. Michelle Clay
You can’t take a break from life but you can give yourself a break and not allow life to just “happen” to you. As life “happens” and...