A Special Mother's Day Treat
FestiGals Ultimate Diva Package Mother's Day is a fabulous time to honor all the remarkable women in your life! Purchase a FestiGals...

How to do FestiGals Like a Diva
New to FestiGals? Here is your road map to doing it right! #FestiTalks #tiara #cocktails #princess #special #NOWC #weekend #diva...

Thriver Thursday: Hannah Rucker
Hannah Rucker was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. In 2014, she broke her femur and now has a metal rod in her leg. Her cancer...
Happy Tiara Day
You don't have a be a Disney princess to wear a tiara. We are giving away one to the first 10 Divas to purchase a package on Tuesday. Use...

FestiGals Exclusive: Dine with a Legend
FestiGals is honored to offer this exclusive opportunity to dine with the legendary “Queen of Creole Cuisine,” Leah Chase, to our Diva...

What the Heck is a FestiTalk?
Some people call them disruptive, ignite, or Ted talks. We call them FestiTalks and FestiGals is the first to bring an all female line up...