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FRIDAY, JUNE 22 | 2:15-3:15 PM

Moderated By: Leslie T. Snadowsky

Join FestiGals during our annual FestiTalks event, our version of disruptive talks with a distinctly feminine edge. Each of our 8 presenters is an expert in their niche - but she only has 5 minutes to give you a humorous and empowering rundown of her topic. Click the photos to learn more about our fabulous speakers!

The Art of Car Karaoke: Empowering Yourself to Get Through the Toughest Moments in Life

The Art of Car Karaoke: Empowering yourself to get through the toughest moments in life With an uplifting and empowering song list to set the tune, we’ll find harmonious tips and tricks in singing right through the stresses of everyday life.

Lauren Siegel

Awaken Your Intuition - 3 Steps to Finding Your Answers Within

ARE YOU PSYCHIC? New Orleans Psychic Medium Cari Roy believes everyone is and will share 3 top tips to help activate your own innate superpower and learn to trust your gut.

Cari Roy

Sexual Harassment via Video Voyeurism in the Age of Social Media

In today’s environment of sexual harassment, abuse happens in too many forms and the latest – due to social media – entails painful, permanent emotional photographic or video exposure online that will affect you for the rest of your life. Jeanne was a victim of video voyeurism and has endured the humiliation and the entire legal process first-hand. Her story will inform, inspire and help victims.

Jeanne Souders

Healing The Trauma that Blocks You

Mary Jane was a star student throughout her academic career until a traumatic event triggered a trauma response that robbed her of the ability to read for the next 10 years. The effects of trauma show up in her clients in a myriad of ways. Trauma can show up in various ways: back pain, the inability to have sex or want sex, or the difficulty in asking for a deserved $20,000 raise. Mary Jane will show you two tools to heal from trauma and move more quickly towards your goals.

Mary Jane Walsh

Unshrink and Shine

Your playing small does not serve the world, time to shine! Let your spirit soar and you will give others permission to to the same!

Juli Juneau

Turning up the Volume on Navigating End of Life Decisions

Watching someone you love linger through illness or knowing that your own life will end are not easy situations.  Do you know about Living Wills, DNR, Full Code, prognosis, feeding tubes and funeral arrangements? Would your family argue during that scary time because they are afraid to lose you or make the right decisions? Christina's passion is to give confidence to a suffering individual and their family knowing there is a way to be supported during the worst time in their lives and her goal is to encourage everyone to begin the conversations about what they want to happen should they not be able to speak for themselves.

Christina Garrett

What Are You Anchored To?

These are extraordinary times! Very challenging financial climate, coupled with historic and hopeful leadership in Washington. Steadiness is the present watchword. Even in these times of economic uncertainty, people will want to know how to work together more effectively to reduce fears and provide tools for cultural proficiency.

Debra Gould

Be The Boss of YOU in Your Career Path

Tired of others telling you what they think YOU should do in your own career?  Well, listen to Jessica LeBlanc’s story to hear how she followed her passion for accounting and real estate and merged them into a successful career that involves running 2 seemingly different businesses.  So, take control and be the BOSS OF YOU in creating the career of your dreams.

Jessica LeBlanc

Reserve your spot for the entire Tricentennial Women's Day!

Watch our FestiTalks 2017 recap video to see what's in store for you at FestiTalks 2018!


FestiGals is a 501(c)3 organization that inspires, connects and celebrates women while supporting causes important to their well-being.



FestiGals is produced by Diane Lyons & ACCENT New Orleans, a DMC Network Company.





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