The Ladies Advocate: Helena Moreno

Within the confines of the Crescent City, being different is a common trait. Whether it’s your craft, trade, business or parade – the difference is made in your actions and belief of something bigger than yourself. Becoming a visage of this city is a tough commission but highly revered when achieved. Through her career in righting wrongs that have plagued our city’s legacy, Helena Moreno has stood ambient above the throngs of injustice as a beacon for change.
Born in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico but quickly absorbed her New Orleans identity upon settling here. During her time as an investigative reporter for NBC affiliate, WDSU-TV, she was part of the team that earned an Emmy for their coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Helena also claimed awards as Broadcaster of the Year from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers, voted best television reporter by Gambit Magazine readers for four consecutive years and numerous other honors from the Associated Press. Continuing her career she often found the topics of her stories to involve political corruption, which had a profound effect on her transition into the political realm.

Throughout her professional successes, perhaps her biggest group of supporters stem from her attention to community, education, public safety and women-related causes to name a few. She has served on numerous committees and boards aiming to create change on the highest level possible including the Women’s Policy and Research Commission, Domestic Violence Prevention Commission, Task Force to Prevent Sexual Assault on College Campuses, Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse on Children, Louisiana Legislative Women’s Caucus and Orleans Delegation.

As her record shows, she is an advocate for equality and acts on behalf of all women within Louisiana, especially District 93, which consists of neighborhoods such as Treme, the Garden District, Central City, St. Roch, the French Quarter, Mid City and the CBD. Her emphasis on ridding out domestic violence and supporting women-centric initiatives has made her a champion for the cause.
Helena recently founded the Ignite Advocacy Network to better educate Louisiana communities about the state of women in our state. The network also advocates for progressive policies and initiate its network to lawmakers. Helena continues to lead as an example for all women who strive to reach equality in all facets of life.
“I’m tired of having Louisiana at the top of every bad list and bottom of every good list when it comes to issues important to women and their families. It seems many people, men and women, around the state are tired of this too, but they are not sure how to influence change. I’m hoping that Ignite Advocacy Network can be their guide,” said State Representative Helena Moreno, who founded the organization. “It’s time for all of us together to ignite into action. Plain and simple.”
Last March, Helena spearheaded a legislative bill in Louisiana deemed the ‘Equal Pay Act.’ The bill fell short of the needed votes to pass however, that has not stopped her from leading the pack in regards to Equal Pay for women in the workplace.
Equal Pay Day is a day to point out the indifference in income amongst genders as the date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. For this year’s Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, April 4, Helena will join us as we strive to make a change beyond hope and rhetoric.
FestiGals is pleased to be joining the New Orleans Chamber and ABWA Crescent City Connection Chapter to present an informative program commemorating national Equal Pay Day. Helena will speak on empowering women to break the wage gap along with presentations by ‘success experts’ to discuss success tips and gain insight from powerful women in the New Orleans community.